Monday, June 20, 2011

Whey Tech Potein shakes.. my new meals!

Hi my 12 followers! (I love you btw<3)
Yep 10000 years later.. I KNOW.. sorry. But here I am.. again:)
Things have come more in control now.. no binging. I've joined the gym, and I've bought home protein powder to make protein shakes! Good for weight loss;) I practise LCHF.. but I don't eat so much fat though.. I try to stay around 1000 cal/day.
 I weigh now 55,3 kg..  (been 57 kg for a while) I'm too lazy to calculate what it is in pounds, sorry.

 This is what I bought home - strawberies: 45g/serving (170 calories)

I'm getting more tanned every week now - yeeyh!!!:D Can't wait to be skinny and tanned and proudly wear my bikini. I also have this plan to change myself totaly.. tanned, skinny, long hair, piercing, tattoo.. :P The ultimat Barbie, or not..  I gotta be bored or smthng...!

Anyway, hope you all are doing fine!? btw, I'm such a bad writer.. I'm so lazy. I just wanna push "publish"-button before I even start writing on my blog.. nevermind.


Xoxo P. T. 2be


  1. i've been thinking about getting stuff for protein shakes. they seem really good for keeping your body energized and full without tons of calories.

  2. protein shakes are so awesome :) i lost like 3 pounds in a week them. and they really did help with feeling full on less and helped get me over my plateau

  3. Do those protein shakes even taste good? I can only imagine they taste like shit. lol.

    wow, that is one banging body. I need it.

  4. No, theyr'e not so good..:P but I mix frozen strawberries with water.. then I mix milk and the powder in the "shaker" and add the "strawberrie-smoothie" and shake everything - tastes much better! Almost like a smoothie! ;)
    Yep you'll definently lose weight - but you gotta keep training. When I'm training hard, it's so good to know that all the protein bouilds my body stronger, even if I'm on little food..
